Nutrition and Chiropractic

Dr. Meghan Schoening

Dr. Meghan feels fortunate that she was raised going to the Chiropractor and living a fairly “balanced” lifestyle. She learned at a very young age the philosophy of wellness; to trust the body, feed it nutrients and keep the inborn intelligence clear through Chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Meghan knew she wanted to be a Chiropractor from a young age and set off to college pursuing that passion.During her undergraduate studies at Hartwick College in upstate New York she met her husband, Tom. Following Hartwick Dr. Meghan graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

In addition to studying Chiropractic she has spent hundreds of hours in courses for nutrition. Dr. Meghan was educated on the fascinating connection of dis-ease and nutrition. She now knows health is based on what you feed your body: nutritious food, clean water, good sleep, positive thoughts, and healthy motion. She is able to bring this philosophy to her practice as she works with patients on healing with Chiropractic care, food choices, and nutritional protocols.